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Limited Edition Collection

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I am Charlotte Caroline

A jewellery collection that embraces the courage to live an authentic life with the heart leading the way. The "I am CC" collection is inspired by Charlotte Caroline's soul journey, where she daily becomes stronger and more self-loving in herself as she encounters new facets of her being.

Check out the "I am CC" collection.

"I AM CC" is a powerful unisex collection that embraces self-discovery and individuality. The symbols reflect the courage to look inward and express your whole self through what your heart tells you.

Being part of the "I AM CC" community supports the importance of investing in personal growth. The collection is a reminder to take time for yourself, to get to know yourself better, and to dare to be and express yourself exactly as you are.

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The collection is designed to empower and uplift you, serving as a reminder to discover the extraordinary within you and let your authentic self shine through.

The jewellery serves as your daily reminder of a transformative path toward loving and powerful self-acceptance, and by wearing these timeless pieces, CC and IX STUDIOS invite you to listen to the calling of your soul, the whispers of your heart, and to trust yourself on your journey of the soul, enabling you to live out what you truly dream of.


Alle anzeigen
IX I See You Pendant Silver
Sparen 40%
Silber Silber
IX I See Earring Silver
Sparen 41%
Silber Silber
IX I See Earring
Sparen 40%
Gold Gold
Sparen 40%
Silber Silber
Sparen 40%
Gold Gold
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